What is CBCT?
woman gets imaging at dentist office

Technology is playing and will play a critical role in dentistry. It is very important for dental practice and dentists to continue offer new technology and upgrade skills to offer optimal care for patients

In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages of CBCT (3-D Imaging) relative to older 2D X-rays solutions

Table of Contents

· What is CBCT?

· CBCT for Implants

What is CBCT?

CBCT (cone beam computed tomography) technology provides a three-dimensional image viewing to capture data and creating of 3D images of patient’s oral anatomy. For this reason, CBCT could be used for surgical fields but also to support treatments such as endodontics (root canals), prosthodontics, and orthodontics for appropriate treatment planning and effective dental care.

CBCT for Implants

There are various reasons why a CBCT scan is critical element when planning dental implants for a patient. For the implant to be placed safely and without disruption to critical nerves or other important structures, it is essential for your dentist to be able to see where it will be located. This is where CBCT scanning comes in.

The CBCT scan will produce 3D cross-sectional images of the jaws and teeth which provide detailed information about the area which cannot be obtained just with a normal x-ray. This enables your dentist to assess where the implant post will be located and check that the bone is a suitable shape and density to regrow around it and secure it in place. It also minimizes the risk of problems like nerve damage occurring, making the entire process safer and more likely to succeed.

Also, it is important to note that the CBCT is smaller, faster and safer than regular CT scans. This is because the cone-shape of the x-ray beam enables the radiation dosage required to be lower, and the time needed to scan the jaw is also reduced.

Why Choose Dental Health 360 for Dental Care in NY and NJ

At Dental Health 360°, we understand the unique challenges of implant treatments and committed at leveraging most advanced technology and innovations. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing individualized treatment plans, tailored to your specific needs and budget. We use state-of-the-art technology and techniques to ensure a successful outcome for all our patients. We have the most advanced CBCT to support our dentists.

If you have been told your dental implant case is too complicated or in need for root canal or dental extractions, we can help. Call us at 201 809-9566 to book a dental appointment. If you are searching just for CBCT image in Northern NJ or NY trust the experts of Dental Health 360°, near YOU.


We have 3 locations to serve you better:

· Paramus, NJ

· Clifton, NJ

· Spring Valley, NY

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